The Silver Tool is the perfect tool for complete skateboard assembly with quality craftmanship and versatile features including the exclusive hardware ratchet, slide out screwdriver, detachable allen key and precision file. All components necessary to assemble and maintain your board in one easy to use, multi-functional skateboard tool.
This competition is open to anyone residing in Singapore.
To enter the competition simply send us a blank e-mail with the subject "Silver Skateboard Tool".
1 Winner will be picked at random.
Contest ends Monday 16th October 2011.
Winner will be announced the following day.
If you entered our DC Carabiner GIVEAWAY you do not need to send us an e-mail as we will include you automatically in all our future giveaway's.
i could use a tool haha
i bought tat already
So who's tha winner?
soo who won??
yeaa, so who?
Winner announced late: http://www.lioncityskaters.com/2011/10/we-have-winner.html
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